Scientists have studied trees depicted in various works of art and found they follow relatively simple mathematical rules also found in branching patterns in nature.
Sometimes they look chic and sometimes shabby. But can these sandals be considered art? That’s the question Germany’s Federal Court of Justice wrestled with Thursday, and it ruled they’re ...
the conversation of art vs. commerce in Hollywood storytelling came up more than once in the press room. “One of the dangers of offensive art, if we want to talk about great punk music or some ...
It's further proof that Frida has become the seminal icon of women in art — a well-earned honor, according to Carmen Guerrero, a longtime artist and arts administrator in the Valley and executive ...
arttime is a CLI application that blends beauty of ASCII / text art with functionality of clock / timer / pattern-based time manager in terminal ⏰ ...
Lescohier: Do most contractors even know about ANSI? Groat: OSHA is hard wired into contractors. Having employees all complete an OSHA 10-hour course is all but mandatory.
These new stand-alone topic ANSI A92 standards provide detailed focus on the responsibilities for mobile elevating work platforms safe use and delivery of required MEWP training. Manufacturers ...
AsciiCam is also a good example for neophyte Android programmers. Want to know more about ASCII art? Check out Al’s history of ASCII art, or this talk about both ASCII and ANSI creations.