Abbey House Hotel and Gardens in Barrow is throwing a Bridget Jones style event this summer - big knickers are encouraged!
Furness Abbey, on the outskirts of Barrow, Cumbria, was founded about 900 years ago and was the first of England's "greater monasteries" to be dissolved during Henry VIII's religious reforms.
An FOI reveals 41.5% of Barrow resident's recycling was sent to landfill or incinerated last year. English Heritage, which runs Furness Abbey, says it is operating in a "challenging environment".
Here are the most recent notices placed in The Mail: Andy passed away on December 28 at Furness ... at Risedale’s Abbey Meadow on December 16 aged 97 years. Aged 80 of Barrow and formally ...
The 900-year-old Furness Abbey is one of many historical sites under threat - Brian Morris ...