Kyle Newacheck, who directed Sandler and Jennifer Aniston in Netflix’s “Murder Mystery,” is helming “Happy Gilmore 2.” The ...
Adam Sandler returns to the golf course in the first teaser for Netflix’s “Happy Gilmore 2,” nearly 29 years after the ...
Adam Sandler has done a variety of wildly different films over the years, and his next three films continue to show that no ...
Adam Sandler ‘s $250 million deal with Netflix is the gift that keeps on gifting. Aptly, for this Christmas Day and the start ...
This sequel comes nearly three decades after the original, but it remains one of Sandler’s most beloved movies. Hopefully Netflix is equipped to produce a sequel that will live up to the hype.
Netflix's "Happy Gilmore 2" first look trailer features Adam Sandler, a Shooter McGavin foe faceoff and Travis Kelce. Where's ...
On Wednesday, the streamer shared a trailer for its forthcoming sequel to the beloved 1996 Adam Sandler sports comedy.