Plan the ultimate Bassmaster Classic road trip! Discover top fishing stops at legendary tournament lakes before heading to the 2025 Classic at Lake Ray Roberts, ...
Are the Dogwood or Magnolia trees in your state in bloom? That's a good sign that the bass are becoming active.
Spring is the absolute best time of year to catch bass near the bank. Smallmouths, largemouths, and spotted bass all flood ...
Willie Pipkin made the catch in February, and Texas Parks and Wildlife brought the enormous fish to a hatchery where it will ...
Of course, depending on where you live, you might be entering one of the most exciting times of year for bass fishing… the ...
The weedless spoon currently ranks among my most productive baits for the pot-bellied largemouths of early spring.
And at less than $200 bucks a rod, that’s a really solid price point. Personally, I have the Randy Howell dock skipping/swim ...
The U.S. Supreme Court denied a petition from East Coast charter captains to block new and tighter striped bass regulations.
The name blood worm according to the Farmer's Almanac either acquired that name for the emergence of earthworms as the soil ...
This three-day tournament at the lake isn't like many other ones. The biggest largemouth or spotted bass caught will get you ...