Discover the remarkable bird fossil from Antarctica that is rewriting the story of bird evolution. Learn how this 69-million-year-old bird challenges previous theories.
The sounds of grey herons at nest during day and at night are like a fairy-tale monster or someone getting sick!
People traipse cross-country to see clouds of kites, or to catch a glimpse of a golden eagle in its highland home, and webcams fixed on the nests of ospreys, owls and peregrine falcons draw huge ...
How to spot birds of prey such as sparrowhawks, kestrels, buzzards, red kites and peregrine falcons in the Cotswolds ...
People traipse cross-country to see clouds of kites, or to catch a glimpse of a golden eagle in its highland home, and webcams fixed on the nests of ospreys, owls and peregrine falcons draw huge ...
The McCormick Bird House would be closed "until further notice," the zoo said. Two animal deaths at Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago have been traced to an outbreak of avian influenza, or bird flu ...
[Photo/Agencies] SEOUL - The black box of an airplane that crashed in South Korea's southwestern airport late last month stopped recording just a minute after the warning of bird strike ...
The virus has been rapidly spreading among birds, wreaking havoc on the poultry industry. A strain has begun circulating among livestock as well. While continuing to stress that the risk to the ...
Use this guide to spot your feathered friends and take part in the world's largest garden wildlife survey between January 24 and January 26 ...
When a kind man noticed a pelican unable to open his beak because of an incident with fishing wire, he grabbed the bird and freed him. 1,300 arrested in big city deportation operations ...
In the United States and Canada there are many birds colored primarily yellow and black. This is a common color pattern of several species of finches, tanagers, orioles, meadowlarks and warblers.