Brooklyn, New York Nestled in the heart of Brooklyn, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden offers a peaceful escape from the bustling ...
After you've taken respite in Brooklyn's cherished green space, recent visitors suggest moseying ... For more information, visit the Brooklyn Botanic Garden's official website.
Visitors wait in line to sniff the smelly plant. Photo by Joanna Insco To stay up to date on the bloom, visit the Brooklyn Botanic Garden Instagram page.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden The air was thick with both anticipation and a pungent smell as visitors flocked to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden last weekend for a chance to see a rare flower bloom.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden’s rare Amorphophallus gigas, native to Sumatra, bloomed for the first time since 2018 on January 24, attracting visitors eager to experience its towering height and ...
Many visitors to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden have been mistaking the gigas ... Ms. Lovejoy, who works at the Center for Earth Ethics, an environmental nonprofit, was heartened by the crowd.
NEW YORK (AP) — One by one, visitors to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden pulled out their phones snap pictures of the rare blooming plant before leaning in to brave a whiff of its infamously putrid ...
NEW YORK — One by one, visitors to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden pulled out their phones snap pictures of the rare blooming plant before leaning in to brave a whiff of its infamously putrid scent ...
Visitors Flock to New York Botanic Garden for a Whiff of a Flower That Smells Like a Rotting Corpse NEW YORK (AP) — One by one, visitors to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden pulled out their phones ...