Travelers visiting religious landmarks across the world may see a photo opportunity that's worthy to share on social media.
Current local time in Sao_Paulo (America/Sao_Paulo timezone). Get information about the America/Sao_Paulo time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) ...
With a capacity of 20,000, the O2 Arena hosts some of the planet’s biggest musicians Credit: Shutterstock But an even greater roster of planned infrastructure projects or tourism attractions ...
São Paulo – Saudi mining company Ma’aden will open an office in São Paulo and is expected to invest up to USD 1.3 billion in Brazil, according to information released on Tuesday (14) by Brazil’s Mines ...
Even if you’ve lived here for years, and have steadfastly been avoiding ‘tourist traps’, you really ... massive list of the capital’s 50 best attractions. We’ve thought long and hard ...
Over the past week, the President was in the Western Cape and visited Robben Island, which is one of the country’s major tourism attractions. A leading industry publication recently ranked Robben ...
County Durham is a treasure trove of history, culture, and natural beauty. Here's a roundup of 23 incredible places you should experience at least once, whether you live in the region or are just ...
As they continue to wreak havoc, reports of widespread property loss are pouring in, including many of the region’s most beloved attractions. Several major sites, including Universal Studios ...
SAO PAULO, Jan 10 (Reuters) - Residents of the city of São Paulo, one of Latin America's largest and most built-up, have long fought for more green spaces. But, last year, the city announced ...
It has been since then the subject of extensive enhancement work carried out by the Jordanian authorities and transformed into a natural tourist park ... to support Christian communities in ...
The Deputy Secretary of Security of Osasco was shot dead this Monday (6) by a municipal civil guard inside the city hall of Greater São Paulo. After nearly two hours of negotiations, Henrique ...