Virginia Beach City Public Schools' Chief Operating Officer, Jack Freeman, said the division needs to increase their debt ...
Johnsburg High School is a rarity these days with its classes on heavy equipment operation, thanks to alumni who never want to see the program die.
The Chippewa superintendent gave an update on construction at the Intermediate School and welcomes a school resource officer.
What happened: The school board will vote Feb. 18 regarding purchases related to the district’s ongoing construction project, ...
Public school advocates described the experiences of students and staff working in crumbling buildings to underscore an ...
who noted the East High building is surrounded largely by West High neighborhoods. “Every other school building is in a community, and that community supports that building. And I think it’s ...
Protesters alleged that the house warming ceremony of a Congress leader from the village is to be held in near future. Therefore, a makeshift road is being constructed, passing through the playground.
China is building a new military command centre near Beijing that is 10 times the size of the Pentagon, US intelligence officials have said. Satellite images of the base, about 20 miles south-west ...
When: Hempfield school board building and grounds and finance committee meeting, Jan. 28. Board member Pat Wagner was absent. What happened: The board received new information on the high school ...
At every meeting of the Pine Bluff School Board, they receive a briefing from East Harding Construction Company, the primary contractor of the new high school that is under construction at the site of ...
Sweden-based Peab has received a domestic Skr109m ($9.96m) contract from Staffanstorp Municipality Properties to construct an extension to Hjärupslund School in Hjärup, Scania. The project, spanning ...
Public school trustees Wednesday deferred setting a new guaranteed maximum price to build a section of the new Ball High School after an updated cost estimate came in $10 million higher than expected.