He created a 300-person Orthodox, Catholic, and Protestant choir and orchestra. Then he took a break.
When you sing ‘Holy, Holy, Holy’ or ‘Amazing Grace,’ for that three minutes, you are united in heart,” he told CT.
Bestselling author and speaker Jennie Allen is sharing the inspiration behind Gather25, an upcoming gathering of the global ...
A Presbyterian church in North Baltimore is using a new art work by a muralist to help reconcile its racist past, including ...
Jadon Blackwell is a sophomore at Wood County Christian School where he says he enjoys the smaller class sizes. “Our classes ...
Sometimes writing a news story is not sufficient to convey the importance of an event. This is one of those times.
These songs have inspired us through the seasons of our lives but do you know what inspired the writers behind them? Here are just some of the stories behind the songs that changed the way we worship ...
'For we have grown into union with Christ through a death like His, we shall also be united with Him in the resurrection....If, then, we have died with Christ, we believe that we shall live with ...
ShareThe streets of Ajegunle, Lagos, came alive penultimate Saturday as the 12th edition of ‘Jamming for Jesus’ took centre ...
We add to this ... The Lord be with you. All. And with thy spirit. Let us pray. Holy Lord, Father Almighty, Eternal God, Who hast caused Thy Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, to be planted like a ...
One of the great challenges for Christians today ... of worship. For me, it has sharpened each training session and intensifies my worship. The link between these two stories is the challenge to make ...
The Annual Congregational Meeting will be on Sunday, Feb. 23 rd immediately following morning worship. Please make an effort to attend as there will be matters to be discussed and decided upon.