And, as the Danes will tell you, hygge is not limited only to the cold, dark months — you can practice hygge all year long.
A Tipton man who suffered life-changing injuries when serving in Iraq is among a group of veterans who have completed an Arctic ultra marathon.
A Tipton man who suffered life-changing injuries when serving in Iraq is among a group of veterans who have completed an ...
A man who was badly injured while serving in Iraq and other veterans have raised more than £90,000 for charity through an ...
The team took on the Montane Lapland Arctic Ultra in Swedish Lapland, which saw them trek through snow and ice-covered rivers ...
Automakers are testing their latest models in the extreme conditions of northern Sweden after working in labs.
And they should know. Finland is constantly touted worldwide as the home of the happiest people on earth, despite their ...
Photo: Sofia Sabel/ Investment in research pays off. Swedish innovation is ranked in the world top. Sweden ranks among the world’s most innovative nations and investment in research ...
Contemporary sweat baths reflect the country’s architectural past — and propose a future in which simple, sustainable ...
If you want to read more about what it is like to chase auroras in Swedish Lapland, I wrote up a brief account of my aurora adventure in Abisko National Park. We have also rounded up some of the ...