After success establishing express buses that defy traffic by switching to shoulder lanes on Interstate 55 and the Jane ...
The weekend before St. Patrick's Day means three parades and the annual dyeing of the Chicago River to turn it bright green.
More than a year after the city signed a 15-year lease for office space at 909 Davis St., workers are putting the finishing ...
Union Pacific (UP) has placed Metra’s regional/commuter rail service in Chicagoland “at risk by demanding” that it pay ...
Metra, the region’s commuter rail operator, wants public input on whether to change the identification of its 14 Chicagoland ...
Metra is considering renaming its lines in the Chicago area. The rail agency has released a survey to gauge public feedback ...
Pražské metro čelí komplikacím. Stanice Florenc na lince C byla v podvečerních hodinách uzavřena v obou směrech. Důvodem je průsak vody, který znemožnil běžný provoz. Vlaky metra nyní touto zastávkou ...
Podívejme se, jak dnes vypadá a v nedaleké budoucnosti bude vypadat městská hromadná doprava v téměř pěti a půl milionové Sydney.
Úřad pro ochranu hospodářské soutěže (ÚOHS) v pátek oznámil, že opětovně zrušil výběr dodavatele na druhou část metra D. Tentokrát vyhověl návrhu sdružení Porr, Vinci a Marti. Již v lednu úřad výběr ...
DOWNERS GROVE, Ill. (WLS) -- A pedestrian died after being struck by a Metra BNSF train on Tuesday morning, the agency said. The crash happened at about 7:30 a.m. near Main Street in Downers Grove.
A Metra train struck a pedestrian near the Main Street Railroad Crossing in Downers Grove Tuesday morning, according to Downers Grove officials. It is the second day in a row a pedestrian has been ...