The craving for something sweet after a big meal comes from the same nerve cells that make us feel full, a new study shows.
Who hasn't been there? The big meal is over, you're full, but the craving for sweets remains. Researchers from the Max Planck ...
In mice, the neurons that dictate the feeling of being full are also the ones that cause sugar cravings, potentially ...
After hundreds of hours of observations, researchers captured a highly detailed image of a long filament of the "cosmic web" ...
Einstein predicted the existence of gravitationally-warped rings of light in 1915. Now, a new one has been discovered just a ...
The share of women in leadership positions at the Max Planck Society continues to growWhat unites them all is their passion ...
A European Space Agency telescope has discovered its first "extremely rare" Einstein ring in a galaxy "not too far away" ...
The Quipu superstructure is enormous, spanning 1.4 billion light years – and it could violate one of our fundamental assumptions about the universe ...
Euclid blasted off on its six-year mission to explore the dark universe on 1 July 2023. Before the spacecraft could begin its ...