Mit drei Exponaten beteiligt sich das Bibelmuseum an der jüngst eröffneten Ausstellung "Im Anfang war das Wort" der Draiflessen Collection in Mettingen. Das von der Unternehmerfamilie Brenninkmeijer ...
You can get in touch with Julio by emailing [email protected]. Angel Yin already knows what it's like to win on the LPGA Tour, so she appreciated the position she found herself in after the ...
Second Army Area commander Lt Gen Boonsin Padklang visited Prasat Ta Muen Thom in Surin’s Phanom Dong Rak district on Friday to give encouragement to the Suranaree Taskforce and build understanding ...
Cambodian and Thai military officials meet at Ta Muen Thom to ease border tensions after a controversial anthem incident. SURIN, Thailand – The Governor of Oddar Meanchey, Cambodia, led Major ...
Deputy Prime Minister and Defense Minister Phumtham Wechayachai has refuted reports suggesting that Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet apologized to Thailand regarding the incident at Ta Muen Thom ...
BANGKOK: Maj Gen Nea Vong, Commander of the Cambodian Division, led Neam Chanthida, Governor of Udon Mechey Province, along with 40 officials, to visit Ta Muen Thom Temple in Phanom Dong Rak ...
On Feb 13, a group of Cambodian soldiers escorted some 25 civilians to visit Prasat Ta Muen Thom in Surin’s Phanom Dong Rak district, Maj General Somphob Pharavej, chief of Suranaree Task Force ...
Phumtham states that while the area is still disputed, with no clear demarcation of borders, Thailand allows Cambodian citizens to visit and pay respects to the temple. BANGKOK, Thailand ...
Yin Xiuzhen was born in 1963 in Beijing, China. Working in site-specific installation and sculpture, Yin uses second-hand or recycled items like clothing and domestic objects to create works that ...