Honourable President, the GNU will ensure that the commitments you made to the nation do not become empty promises, but a lived reality,” Hlabisa stated during the State of the Nation Address (SONA) ...
As South Africa approaches the critical juncture of 2025, the idea of a Government of National Unity (GNU) has evolved from a noble vision to a political quagmire, perpetuating the issues it was ...
South Africa’s Government of National Unity (GNU) was formed to stabilise the country during tumultuous times. Yet, as the country faces the tragic loss of 13 soldiers from the South African ...
Advocate Dali Mpofu has criticised the exclusion of certain political parties from what is described as a government of ...
An earlier joint statement by Senator Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar and Unity Minister ... with the Prime Minister’s principles and the vision of the Madani government. If not, they should ...
Poor governance and incompetence plague South Africa’s public administration, particularly at the local level.
But it signifies an effort by political parties to agree on the values and principles that should guide behaviour and decision-making in the national government. The unity government presents new ...