On Monday, it took credit for locking up systems at Japan's Utsunomiya Central Clinic (UCC), which confessed it had been ...
American media giant Lee Enterprise has confirmed that the February cyber incident that disrupted operations including ...
Qilin, the Russian cyber crime gang behind the ransomware attack on NHS suppliers which crippled major London hospitals this week, has a track record of cyber attacks spanning medical ...
The Qilin ransomware gang has claimed responsibility for the attack at Lee Enterprises that disrupted operations on February ...
Microsoft says a North Korean hacking group tracked as Moonstone Sleet has deployed Qilin ransomware payloads in a limited ...
The newspaper chain previously confirmed the attack would likely have a material impact on its financial condition.
[Guangdong Zinc: Market Transactions Weaken, Spot Premiums Decline] SMM March 14 News: The mainstream transaction price of Guangdong 0# zinc was 24,095-24,255 yuan/mt. Mainstream brands quoted a ...
Qilin announced it was the perpetrator in a post late last week, setting March 5 as the deadline for paying the demanded ransom, according to Security Week.
In a concerning development, the Qilin ransomware group has claimed responsibility for the February 10th cyberattack on the ...
The Qilin ransomware group claims the February 10th cyberattack on Japan's Utsunomiya cancer clinic, exposing 300,000 patients and forcing the hospital to suspend care.
The Qilin ransomware gang claims to have stolen 350 Gb of files from Lee Enterprises in the attack that caused newspaper disruptions.
Futures Market Rises, Spot Premiums Remain Stable] SMM March 13 News: Mainstream transactions of Guangdong #0 zinc were concluded at 24,030-24,205 yuan/mt. Mainstream brands quoted a premium of 5 yuan ...