The project aims to drive economic growth, job creation and innovation while boosting Kenya's global tech reputation.
WWF scientists have helped identify six areas in KAZA that are critical to the movement of wildlife across national borders, focusing on three corridors where wildlife populations and their habitats ...
A strong, 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck in Ethiopia on Friday, according to the United States Geological Survey. The ...
The anti-corruption organisation, Transparency International (TI), has classified Mozambique, for the second year running, in 146th position out of 180 countries ranked according to indicators of ...
Seychelles, an archipelago of 115 islands serves as a strong voice for small island states through its environmental ...
Tourism Seychelles has successfully concluded a strategic media briefing in Johannesburg, South Africa, where Principal ...
Africa Tourism Partners (ATP), a distinguished Pan-African tourism development, business advisory, and consulting firm, is pleased to announce the appointment of Francis Doku as the new West Africa ...