Your pup is one smart cookie, but is it among the most intelligent dog breeds? Find out with our science-backed ranking. Smartest dog breeds, ranked for intelligence Dogs have been humankind’s ...
"By keeping dogs on leads during the ground-nesting bird season, we can help protect vulnerable birds and other species. "Small changes in our behaviour ... regardless of breed, type, age or size." ...
Some dogs actually grow up and bear no resemblance to their younger selves. Here’s a look at the puppy and adult versions of 14 dog breeds that literally look nothing alike from puppyhood to adulthood ...
This March, gardeners are being encouraged to place dog food on bird tables in an effort to assist a quintessential British bird in its search for sustenance. Blackbirds, part of the thrush family, ...
"And with Crufts about to get underway in Birmingham, we fear some breeds of brachycephalic dogs may be highlighted in the public eye again - fuelling more demand - without people having clear ...
2/7 The Maltese is considered one of the most gentle of the small dog breeds, and are particularly known for their ability to slot into a family with children. Intelligent, obedient and ...
Losing a beloved dog is always heartbreaking, but imagine losing an entire breed forever. Some dog breeds are on the brink of extinction; their numbers are dwindling due to limited breeding ...
Learn More Small terrier dog breeds are a fantastic choice for pet lovers who want ... A securely fenced yard or leash walks are essential to prevent them from running off after squirrels or birds.
The result is a small, speedy, and versatile dog closely resembling a lamb ... Both are extremely popular dog breeds, making wonderful, merry companions in the home as well as adept bird-dogs in the ...
The bird flu has come closer to the Des Moines metro, being detected in a small backyard flock in Dallas County, the Iowa Department of Agriculture announced Saturday. It's the fifth time bird flu ...
Known for her collection of quirky and eccentric handbags, Shalini has sported everything from birds to aliens as clutch bags till now. However, her newest look will have every dog lover weak in their ...