The Austin district has spent about $200,000 on the costs associated with the Texas Education Agency-appointed monitors for ...
Some school districts have begun using AI to help write RFPs while vendors use it to submit as many bids as possible, but ...
The succession process began a year ago when Terry George informed the board of his intention to retire in 2025.
A picture, or at the very least, a starting point for Proposition 123 came into focus in the House Education Committee ...
“Alex and Eric share equal ownership of our mission and goals, but with distinct roles and responsibilities,” said Mitch D’Olier, chair of the Harold K.L. Castle Foundation. “This new collaborative ...
The Middletown school district, which employs Toms River Mayor Dan Rodrick, says he conducted Toms River business during school hours.
Associate Professor Michaela Mošaťová says there is no officially specified qualification for lecturers of Slovak as a foreign language.
The Prudence Island School is the only operational one-room schoolhouse in Rhode Island. But it currently lacks students.
Lebanon School District officials told School Board members that they’re adopting a “wait and see” approach as ...
Severe economic hardship is driving an increase in crime across South Sudan. For the Kasire community, in the capital Juba, the worsening security situation is creating fear and many sleepless nights.
State Senator Robbie Morris, R-District 11, and Delegate Jonathan Kyle, R-District 66, have spoken out against the controversial House resolution that would officially rename Spruce Knob as “Trump ...
The Montgomery County School Board addressed the teaching of children with disabilities Tuesday evening during its monthly meeting.