The Oscar-winning Scottish screen legend discussed her remarkable ... “has been really strenuous for us all.” “And I need a break,” she added. “So I’m going to have one.
Whether it is for work or pleasure, we spend a lot of time on our devices and it's impacting some people's physical health.
Nathan Grayson's new book, "Stream Big," explores the challenges of striving for fame on the streaming platform.
A month-long randomized control trial confirms that reducing the time spent one  smartphones to access the internet makes people happier and more focused.
A month-long randomized control trial confirms that reducing the time spent on smartphones to access the internet makes ...
At this price point, the Amazfit Active 2 competes directly with budget-friendly fitness trackers like the Fitbit Charge 6 ...
Coronation Street's Rob Donovan has been feared dead after he was found motionless at the bottom of an office block stairwell. But what has actor Marc Baylis been up to since leaving the cobbles?
What you should knowThe Eagles' Super Bowl parade began at 11 a.m., marching up Broad Street toward the Philadelphia Museum ...
It was a judgement call and a personal judgement call, that I take full responsibility for ... has been really strenuous for us all. I need a break, so I’m going to have one.” ...