Two sisters from Dearborn Heights, Michigan, are on a mission to teach other kids about Ramadan through reading.
Teach, but don't celebrate is the theme of religious literacy in our libraries. We will discuss how kids want to see themselves in our storytimes and give tips for including holidays in our programs ...
Relational mindfulness practices help students cultivate awareness and connect with each other to facilitate learning and ...
Jacob’s Room to Choose is currently banned in multiple U.S. states and the country of Malaysia.
The benefits of viewing films include hope and encouragement, help to reframe problems, provide role models, identify and ...
Integrating contemporary art and themes into teaching requires a shift from predominantly technique-driven instruction to idea-driven instruction. Many artists do not work in a single medium or ...
Driver Abdirahman Ibrahim pursued Liam Jones after seeing him pull a wheelie on his e-bike A driver murdered a cyclist by deliberately ramming him with his car to teach him a lesson for pulling a ...
âš  This repo is retired, public theme development has moved to the GitHub Enterprise repo. More info and context over at pNEWy-iBK-p2 The development repository for themes maintained by the Automattic ...
That cuts the hardest against the central political teaching Washington has bequeathed ... Or the central theme of his campaign against Harris, the idea that America can under the right policies ...