“The Annihilation of Fish” was written by Anthony Winkler, produced by Paul Heller and Kris Dodge, edited by Nancy Richardson ...
A lot of elements go into making movie magic, but one of the biggest may be props. Props do quite a bit of heavy lifting when ...
ABC News' Linsey Davis speaks to filmmaker Ondi Timoner about her new film "The INN Between" about the year she spent ...
David Lynch was incredibly influential, which is why it's so strange he spent 40 years being unable to realize one of his ...
Director Robert Zemeckis’s new film Here is adapted from the comic strip turned graphic novel of the same name by Richard ...
A groundbreaking new World War 2 Holocaust documentary film on the Lost Music of Auschwitz is headed to TV and streaming next week. Watch the trailer here.
The great American director has sadly passed away at the age of 78 – we pay tribute to his astonishing life and career.
Devastating blazes have scattered thousands of crewmembers, raising fears of a quickened migration of projects away from ...
Following David Lynch's death at 78, 'Lost Highway' actress Patricia Arquette reacted to the news during an interview.
With the announcement that the great David Lynch died on January 16, the world hasn’t just lost one of its greatest ...
MacLachlan said of his career-long friend and collaborator, "I will miss him more than the limits of my language can tell and ...
When Lynch’s films were first released, they seemed to be funhouse-mirror reflections of society. Not so anymore.