If you find managing your email annoying, it might be time to switch to another client. Be more productive with one of the best email apps we've tried. PC hardware is nice, but it’s not much use ...
If you're happy with your current CRM and related sales tools, choosing HubSpot as your email marketing tool will probably be overkill. If, on the other hand, you're looking for a single solution ...
Setting up a free email account has never been easier. You now have many great options that promise lots of storage or convenient features, although there are a few things to keep in mind when ...
It's a little bit of a catch-all category. Can I change an email's category? You can for most messages but not all. Here's how. 1. Tap Mail. 2. Tap either Transactions, Updates or Promotions ...
fusion is a lightweight and easy-to-use UI testing framework built on top of Apple XCTest that supports testing on iOS and macOS platforms. Developed with readability and reliability in mind.
Only configuration files, no SQL database. Keep it simple and versioned. Easy to deploy and upgrade. Originally created by @tomav, this project is now maintained by volunteers since January 2021.