One of their places had to be the Vatican Hill—its name a derivation of vaticinium, the prophecy of future things. Over the past 20 centuries a succession of popes have made this center of faith ...
The Vatican's charity voiced outrage Monday at what it called the "reckless" and "unhuman" U.S. plans to gut USAID ...
The Vatican City State’s first decree regulating the use of artificial intelligence quietly came into effect this month prohibiting discriminatory uses of AI and establishing a special ...
The Vatican City State has toughened sanctions for those who try to illegally enter its territory in areas where free access is not allowed. In a decree issued last month by the Holy See ...
One of the most famous landmarks in the world, Vatican City draws more than 5 million people each year, which means that no matter when you visit, you can expect massive crowds. Along with the ...
Laura Itzkowitz While Vatican City is home to both the Roman Catholic Church's governing body and its leader, the pope, this small nation within Rome offers a wealth of attractions open to ...