Meddai David Elvy o Wasanaeth Erlyn y Goron, “Roedd Orphan yn ymddwyn mewn ffordd warthus, yn ymosod ar ei wraig yn eu cartref eu hunain. “Mae Gwasanaeth Erlyn y Goron yn cymryd unrhyw honiad o ...
He has been charged with wilfully failing to comply with a duty imposed under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000, namely a duty to provide the PIN access code to his mobile phone. He was bailed to ...
A Gwent Police officer who assaulted his wife on two occasions has been sentenced to two years and six months at Cardiff Crown Court. Whilst the couple were at home on 25 January 2020, an argument ...
A man who caused life changing injuries to another by throwing a corrosive liquid over his face and head has been jailed at Swansea Crown Court. Jivan Dean, 24, attacked Raven Riley who was visiting a ...
Mae dyn a achosodd anafiadau sy’n newid bywyd i rywun arall drwy daflu hylif cyrydol dros ei wyneb a’i ben wedi cael ei garcharu yn Llys y Goron Abertawe. Ymosododd Jivan Dean, 24 oed, ar Raven Riley ...
The Very High Cost Case (VHCC) fee scheme was developed by the CPS, working with the Legal Services Commission (now LAA) and the Bar Council, to ensure that the work undertaken by counsel in the ...