A new initiative by Paolo Basilico, founder of Kairos Partners and Samhita Investments and one of the most brilliant Italian ...
First victory in the Champions League for Milan, who beat Bruges 3-1 at San Siro. Juve's sensational flop, outwitted by Stuttgart in injury time. Bologna loses to Aston Villa. Today Atalanta hosts ...
Overtourism has been at the center of a rich debate in Capri. The mayors' appeal: a law that regulates reservations, presences and urban quality ...
A spokesman for the German Finance Ministry denied that a law was coming that would impose tougher obligations on investors ...
Home News Waiting lists and broken promises, increasingly longer times: 468 days for an oncological visit, 1 in 3 Italians gives up on treatment News Waiting lists and broken promises, increasingly ...
Cresce la tensione sui mercati in vista delle presidenziali Usa e in attesa delle trimestrali. La Cina sale sulla spinta degli stimoli. A Tokyo brilla l'Ipo della storica metro. Borse europee viste in ...
Primera victoria del Milán en la Liga de Campeones, derrotando al Brujas por 3-1 en San Siro. Sensacional fracaso de la Juve, burlada por el Stuttgart en el tiempo de descuento. Bolonia pierde ante el ...
Durante o evento, os principais representantes do setor e instituições apresentarão o estudo da Agici sobre o mercado internacional de hidrogénio e as estratégias para atingir os objetivos do plano RE ...
Première victoire de Milan en Ligue des Champions, en battant Bruges 3-1 à San Siro. Flop sensationnel pour la Juve, moquée par Stuttgart dans le temps additionnel. Bologne perd contre Aston Villa. Au ...
Prima vittoria in Champions del Milan che a San Siro liquida per 3 a 1 il Bruges. Clamoroso flop della Juve beffata dallo Stoccarda nel recupero. Il Bologna cede all'Aston Villa. Oggi l'Atalanta ospit ...
米兰在圣西罗以3-1击败布鲁日,取得欧冠首场胜利。尤文图斯队的一次轰动性失败,在伤停补时阶段被斯图加特队嘲笑。博洛尼亚输给阿斯顿维拉。今天亚特兰大主场迎战凯尔特人,国际米兰迎战波尔图 称其为“欧冠联赛曲折”。那里 第三天 欧洲顶级赛事赠送了一份 惊 带有大写的S,即 尤文图斯主场惨败 对阵 斯图加特 (0-1)。虽然不那么耸人听闻,但仍然意义重大 KO博洛尼亚 在伯明翰阿斯顿维拉球场(2-0),他 ...