The whānau of a man on a hunger strike to protest constitutional injustices says he was close to death when the court ruled Francis Shaw has the right to make his own decisions, even if he could die.
In New Zealand we have only one election on election day, and the Electoral Commission releases results in real time. The media do provide commentary on how the parties are doing, but most people can ...
A review of legislation that gives the Crown the power to take private land for public infrastructure projects like roads, schools and police stations has been completed. The review could potentially ...
The Government has pulled funding from the country's flagship research centre into white supremacy and violent extremism. ... He Whenua Taurikura research centre in Wellington received a letter from ...
Te Pāti Māori claims a police operation targeting Mongrel Mob members and associates alleged to be involved in a drug distribution network was “terrorism” and motivated by a “racist agenda”. It is ...