The whānau of a man on a hunger strike to protest constitutional injustices says he was close to death when the court ruled Francis Shaw has the right to make his own decisions, even if he could die.
In New Zealand we have only one election on election day, and the Electoral Commission releases results in real time. The media do provide commentary on how the parties are doing, but most people can ...
A review of legislation that gives the Crown the power to take private land for public infrastructure projects like roads, schools and police stations has been completed. The review could potentially ...
Te Pāti Māori claims a police operation targeting Mongrel Mob members and associates alleged to be involved in a drug distribution network was “terrorism” and motivated by a “racist agenda”. It is ...
The Government has pulled funding from the country's flagship research centre into white supremacy and violent extremism. ... He Whenua Taurikura research centre in Wellington received a letter from ...
The number of electorate seats will drop from 72 to 71 - the first ever drop under MMP. This is because the north island population did not grow as fast as the south island population. There are 16 SI ...
Local Government Minister Simeon Brown has today announced his intention to appoint a Crown Observer to Wellington City Council, following news that the Council will now be required to rewrite its ...
While the review came out of a NZ First policy, the work is being led by Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith, who told Newsroom there was “a habit of forming, of just throwing in a Treaty reference – a ve ...
Three economists were awarded the Nobel Prize Monday for their research into how the nature of institutions helps explain why some countries become rich and others remain poor. Daron Acemoglu, Simon ...
Sara Templeton has announced she will challenge Phil Mauger for the Christchurch Mayoralty. This is no surprise. The left are very unhappy they lost control of Auckland, Christchurch and Dunedin ...
A second bid by former Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman to avoid a conviction for last year’s nearly $9000 shoplifting spree has failed. ... In a judgment released this morning, High Court Justice Geof ...
Trump is now favoured to win by four of the six prediction sites. It remains a remarkably close race with none of the seven swing states having a lead of more than 2%. As the average polling error in ...