Find out more about Compliance and ‘third parties’. The objective: the ‘management’ of relations with third parties. Log in.
Telefónica Tech is carrying out an integral digitalization project at the GAM plant for the remanufacturing of Reviver ...
World Cities Day is commemorated on 31 October to help contribute to sustainable urban development worldwide and to promote ...
Meet Phillip Rohde, Internal Security Consultant at Telefónica Germany. Find out more about his career. Read now ...
Find out more about how to become a Top Voice on IA Entra. We tell you the experience of Nelson Rodríguez, Telefónica ...
Iris, created by Jaume Plensa, a symbol of the power of human communication, forms part of Distrito Telefónica and will be ...
Telefónica Tech develops a revolutionary data lake in Asturias to optimize water resource management, analysis and visualization ...
CDP Climate Change: Telefónica Responses 2024 consolidates the climate change questionnaire Telefónica answered to apply to ...
Madrugador a la vez que trasnochador por culpa de la lectura o de una buena película, siempre suelo despertarme alegre y activo. Esto lo agradece mucho mi amigo el despertador, la mayor parte de las ...
An early riser and a night owl due to reading or a good film, I always wake up cheerful and active. This is much appreciated by my friend the alarm clock, most of the time helped by her friend the ...