Donnell Jetters, of Waco, Texas, was arrested after he fired a gun at a relative who came out as gay. On March 14, around 9 p ...
Born before the advent of life-saving vaccines, I suffered with a severe case of measles when I was six months old. I lost ...
A lawsuit, filed by Texas and 16 other states, target a call to count gender dysphoria as a protected disability.
Without the department, advocates worry the federal government would not look out in the same way for poor students, those ...
Tim Miller & Will Sommer break down the wild conspiracy that kids in schools are identifying as cats and using litter boxes.
Issues delivered straight to your door or device Texas Representative Stan Gerdes presented a piece of prospective ...
Texas lawmakers first came for vaguely suspicious anime. Now they’re coming after the “furries.” In a newly proposed house ...
Texas lawmakers propose banning furry-related behavior in public schools, igniting discussions on student expression.
A new bill in Texas has been introduced that seeks to ban furries from schools by making “non-human behavior” illegal within ...
No, there aren’t schools in Texas putting out litter boxes for kids to use. That’s internet garbage that naive people take as ...
A Texas lawmaker introduced a bill to ban "non-human behavior" in public schools, such as barking, meowing and other ...
Legislation that would “prohibit any non-human behavior by a student, including presenting himself or herself, on days other ...