British Geriatrics Society | Improving healthcare for older people
What will geriatrics look like for the next generation? From living longer with Down's syndrome to ageing without children or living with the effects of climate change, we look at what the older …
British Geriatrics Society - Wikipedia
The British Geriatrics Society (BGS) is the professional body of specialists in the healthcare of older people in the United Kingdom. Membership is drawn from doctors, nurses, allied health …
Become a member of the BGS | British Geriatrics Society
The British Geriatrics Society is the association for professionals working in the healthcare of older people across the UK. We are the only society in the UK offering expertise in the health …
Upcoming Events - British Geriatrics Society
British Geriatrics Society. Marjory Warren House 31 St John’s Square London EC1M 4DN. Visit us. Tel: +44 (0)20 7608 1369. Email us. Charity No 268762 Company No 1189776 (England …
THE BRITISH GERIATRICS SOCIETY - 268762 - Register of Charities
Mar 31, 2023 · The Society aims to be the pre-eminent professional body for practitioners engaged in the specialty health care of older people. Our mission is to improve the health care …
British Geriatrics Society - LinkedIn
Improving healthcare for older people | The British Geriatrics Society is the professional body of specialists in the healthcare of older people in the United Kingdom.
The British Geriatrics Society at 60
The implications are central to the activities of the British Geriatrics Society (BGS) – now celebrating its own sixtieth year and the medical speciality it represents – geriatric medicine.
The Society aims to be the pre-eminent professional body for practitioners engaged in the specialty health care of older people. Our mission is to improve the health care of older people...
Our Purpose - British Geriatrics Society
The British Geriatrics Society is the place for professionals caring for older people, and is the only society in the UK offering expertise in the healthcare needs of older people.
Best practice guidelines for the management of frailty: a British ...
Nov 1, 2014 · The British Geriatrics Society Fit for Frailty guideline is consensus best practice guidance for the management of frailty in community and outpatient settings.