Kraft Process - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The Kraft process is a large-scale industrial process established in the pulp and paper industry for recovery of cellulose for paper production. On the other hand, the Organosolv process was originally set up for the production of ethanol from wooden biomass ( Garcia, Alriols, Llano-Ponte, & Labidi, 2011 ).
Kraft Process - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Kraft process is the foremost pulping process in the board and paper industry and the biggest lignin supplier. About 130 million tons per year of Kraft pulp are produced worldwide ( Bruijnincx et al., 2015 ), which is around 80% of the produced chemical pulp and about 50–55 million metric tons of lignin in the form of black liquor ( Mahmood ...
Kraft Pulping Process - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The kraft (sulfate) pulping process accounts for the largest portion of the global pulp production (Kinnarinen et al., 2016). This process (kraft pulping) engages in the removal of lignin from wood chips using a mixture of alkaline cooking chemicals, sodium hydroxide and disodium sulfide, known as white liquor (Golmaei et al., 2018a) (Table 3).
Kraft Paper - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Kraft paper is produced by a sulfate treatment process. Kraft paper is available in several forms either as natural brown, unbleached, heavy duty, or bleached white. The natural kraft is the strongest of all paper and is commonly used for bags and wrapping. It is also used to package flour, sugar, and dried fruits and vegetables. •
Sustainability of kraft pulp mills: Bleaching technologies and ...
Sep 25, 2023 · The kraft process, also known as the sulfate process, allows the conversion of wood into pulp consisting mainly of cellulose fibers, the main raw material for obtaining paper. A simplified scheme of the kraft process is shown in Fig. 1 .
Kraft Pulp - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Kraft (sulfate) pulping is the predominating process for the production of chemical pulp, accounting for about 70% of the world's virgin pulp production and for over 90% of chemical pulp. The Kraft process comprises, briefly, a treatment of wood chips with a mixture of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium sulfide (Na 2 S), known as white liquor ...
Control Strategy Scheme for the Prehydrolysis Kraft Process
Jan 1, 2018 · The PHK-process is mainly conducted in batch digesters, where the prehydrolysis stage is accomplished by heating the wood chips with direct steam or pressurized water to 160 – 180 °C for up to two hours. The acetyl groups attached to the hemicelluloses are released as acetic acid, which gradually creates an acidic environment in the aqueous ...
Wood-lignin: Supply, extraction processes and use as bio-based …
Mar 1, 2019 · Kraft process is the most applied (96% of the market) to isolate lignin from a wood material [63]. Mainly used in the pulp and paper industries, the Kraft process uses significant amounts of aqueous soda (NaOH) and sodium sulfide (Na 2 S) at high-temperature (150–180 °C) for about 2 h. During this treatment, a major part of lignin gets ...
Kraft black liquor as a renewable source of value-added chemicals
Nov 15, 2022 · Currently, the Kraft process is the predominant method worldwide for producing pulp, employed in up to 90% of all pulp mills, due to its advantages over other pulping methods [1]. Mainly, these include obtaining stronger fibres, the ease with which it can be applied to all wood species and the recovery of the spent chemicals [2].
Enhancing Kraft based dissolving pulp production by integrating …
Dec 25, 2021 · A pre-hydrolysis Kraft pulping (PHK) process that was used to make dissolving pulp was enhanced by replacing conventional white liquor (WL) neutralization with green liquor (GL) neutralization prior to Kraft pulping. This resulted in a 10% increase in dissolving pulp production, and significant chemical savings, without compromising pulp ...