Sensing liminal landscapes in Puget Sound
Building upon marine shorelines’ uniqueness and recent geographic research, the author frames Puget Sound’s shorelines as liminal landscapes. Liminal landscapes are spaces that emanate a sense of in-betweenness, ambiguity, transition, and threshold.
Sensing liminal landscapes in Puget Sound | GeoJournal - Springer
Jan 3, 2021 · Marine shorelines are liminal landscapes or spaces, emanating a sense of in-betweenness, ambiguity, transition, and threshold. This liminality provides distinct people–place experiences, interactions, and relationships, as evinced through coastal residents’ sense of place.
Shoreline – liminal.earth
Liminal Earth (originally Liminal Seattle) is a curated map maintained by the Liminal Earth Society. The LES cannot officially guarantee the veracity of the accounts noted hereon, but encourage exploration and investigation. We welcome submissions from from denizens of all realms.
Shared shorelines, shared meanings?: Examining place meaning …
Oct 1, 2021 · Shorelines are distinct places that provide a diverse range of ecosystem services to local communities. These services include local foods, economic opportunities, recreational activities, therapeutic blue spaces, and notably sense of place.
Liminality: The Magic of In-Between Spaces » Grandma's Grimoire
Jan 15, 2025 · Select specific liminal times—like twilight or the moments before sleep—to meditate. Visualize yourself standing at a crossroads or shoreline. Use this imagery to reflect on your current transitions and invite insights into your path forward. Work with Symbolic Crossroads
For Those of Us Who Live at the Shoreline
Oct 1, 2024 · For those of us who live at the shoreline, at the liminal spaces between subject and citizen, our survival is based on the crucial decisions of what we remain rooted in and what we know must wash away.
Building upon and coalescing recent sense of place and liminal landscape research, this paper examines residents’ sense of place to Puget Sound’s liminal shorelines in Washington State (U.S.A.).
The shoreline in the sea: liminal spaces in the films of James Cameron
Aug 23, 2013 · In many films, the shoreline is a physical place that has long been associated with tropes of liminality with land a stable foundation and the ocean a fluid unknown. For Cameron, however, the ocean is not an expanse with no boundaries, but …
Beach - Liminal Narratives
Feb 17, 2018 · Let us return, one year on, to the beach. This is a ‘place of strong magic (Preston-Whyte, p.349); a trickster margin between land and sea, eternally shifting shape as the tides contest, claim and reclaim. Perhaps it is the ‘archetypal liminal landscape’ (Thomassen, p.21) – an alchemical strand poised on multiple ambiguities.
Sensing liminal landscapes in Puget Sound | Request PDF
Jan 3, 2021 · Marine shorelines are liminal landscapes or spaces, emanating a sense of in-betweenness, ambiguity, transition, and threshold. This liminality provides distinct people–place experiences,...