Home - Northwest High School
The vision of the Northwest High School staff is to develop all students into ethical, life-long thinkers, learners, and contributors to a global society who are ready for college, ready for the global workforce, and ready for personal success.
Seniors 2025 - Northwest High School - nisdtx.org
If you are offered in-state tuition to an out-of-state school, that works, too! Send all offers, even ones you don't plan to accept. Deadline to turn in scholarship documentation is May 1, 2025
Rocket Club - Northwest High School - nisdtx.org
NISD affirms its commitment to ensuring people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access online information and functionality. If you believe any online information or functionality is currently inaccessible, contact Melissa Shawn, communications and web specialist at 817-215-0135 or [email protected].
STEM Academy - Northwest High School - nisdtx.org
Bring your ideas to life while designing, building, and testing solutions for complex engineering challenges. Adopt a problem-solving mindset to design and build rockets, program electronic devices, and explore green architecture for environmental sustainability
Meet Your Counseling Staff - Northwest High School - nisdtx.org
NISD affirms its commitment to ensuring people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access online information and functionality. If you believe any online information or functionality is currently inaccessible, contact Melissa Shawn, communications and web specialist at 817-215-0135 or [email protected].
College, Career, and Military Planning - Northwest High School
Freshman Guidance Lesson: Learn about how to be successful in high school, understanding graduation requirements, how to read your transcript, GPA, and Class Rank. Fall Freshman Guidance
High School Academic Planning - Northwest High School
NISD High School Academic Planning Guide 24-25. Graduating CCMR Ready Flowchart. College and Career Readiness Tracker. NISD High School Graduation Plan. NISD’s Early College High School (ECHS) Graduation Plan (Sample) NISD’s STEM Academy Graduation Plan (Sample) Counselor Contact Information 2024-2025. Graduation Toolkits
Book Battle Club - Northwest High School - nisdtx.org
NISD affirms its commitment to ensuring people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access online information and functionality. If you believe any online information or functionality is currently inaccessible, contact Melissa Shawn, communications and web specialist at 817-215-0135 or [email protected].
Upcoming Events and Flyers - Northwest High School - nisdtx.org
NISD uses PeachJar for School and Community Flyers. Please check out our Upcoming Events and Flyers on PeachJar: PeachJar
Administration - Northwest High School - nisdtx.org
Assistant Principal – Northwest High School (2016-2023) Teacher - Northwest High School (2007-2016) Recognitions: 2016 – Northwest High School Exemplar Educator (Teacher of the Year) Assistant Principals. James Clark, A-Bl; Jacob Chastain, Bo-Fd; Patricia Tran, Fe …