High School Vaping Lesson Student Handout Think about the following questions and write your response. Turn to the person next to you and share your responses. After conversation, share insights with large group. In what ways would nicotine addiction limit your independence?
You and Me, Together Vape-Free Curriculum - Stanford Medicine
The You and Me, Together Vape-Free curriculum includes 6 lessons, each providing activities, online quiz games, and worksheets in addition to presentations, resources, and other materials aimed at addressing key factors associated with youth e-cigarette use, including changing adolescents’ attitudes towards and misperceptions about e ...
Instructions: Read each statement. Circle if you think the statement is a MYTH (false) or a FACT (true). The “cloud” from an e-cigarette is water vapor and harmless. e-cigarettes are to help people quit smoking. e-cigarettes contain nicotine. You have to be 18 years old to buy or use vaping products. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.
Get the Facts About Vaping Worksheet Author: U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Center for Tobacco Products Subject: This worksheet accompanies the Real Health Consequences lesson plan. Students will test their understanding of vaping facts by making true or false predictions about six statements.
This workbook represents decades of experience helping people stop smoking, vaping, and chewing. The workbook was created with the intention that it be used in conjunction with the Fontana Tobacco Treatment Center program.
vaping epidemic. The toolkit assists schools in creating a tobacco-free environment that helps prevent students from using tobaccoproducts, including e-cigarettes, and support students who need help quitting. The toolkit includes model
Below are recommendations for evidence-based and evidence-informed vaping and tobacco prevention curriculum for middle school and high school educators. Stanford Medicine’s You and Me, Together Vape Free middle school curriculum is a free six-lesson theory-based and evidence-informed curriculum that any educator can facilitate.
Nov 7, 2023 · • What is vaping? • What is in an e-liquid? • What effects/harms do you think vaping could have on you or others? • Why do you think young people vape? Feedback and share prior knowledge as a whole class. Explicitly discuss each question and clarify misconceptions.
Vaping and E-Cigarettes: Are they Safe? This lesson explores Electronic Cigarettes, one type of Electronic Nicotine Delivery System (ENDS). The media suggest e-cigarettes are a safer way to use nicotine than conventional cigarettes because there is no smoke or tar.
Printable materials | Vaping Information, Solutions
Click here to view or download the "Truth (or nah!?) factsheets. Click here to view the #VapesAreTrash campaign.